Architects & Planning Consultants

Dealing with ecological constraints can cause unexpected delays. That’s why getting an ecologist on board early in the design process can help, especially with Biodiversity Net Gain becoming mandatory. As part of your design team, we will liaise with planning authorities and statutory bodies to reach acceptable solutions for you and your clients. We are conservation focussed and have a special interest in heritage projects and sustainable developments, but always take a balanced approach in our ecological services. We provide you with clear, no-nonsense advice, and planning reports in line with current industry best-practice. Additionally, we can be with you from start to finish, dealing with post-planning ecology requirements/ ecology condition discharge and the preparation and delivery of mitigation licences. For more information, contact us today.


Have the Local Planning Authority asked you for an ecology report, wildlife survey or net gain assessment? Not sure what any of these are? We are here to help. Firstly, by talking through your ecologicy requirements. Then, we would carry out a site visit to look for protected wildlife. Depending on what we find, we may need to do further surveys. For example, if evidence of a bat roost is discovered, we would need to work out how bats are using your building. Finally, we would present the information in an ecology, or wildlife report to go with your planning application. Ideally, we would be able to come up with a way of avoiding impacts to wildlife. However, sometimes this is not possible. In these cases, we would have to apply for a mitigation licence to allow activities which impact legally protected species. For more information, contact us for further advice and a no obligation quote.

Developers & Builders

Whether your project is an idea on the back of a napkin, or you are about to start your build, our team is here to help. Drawing on experience of working across a wide range of sectors, we see projects through from inception to post-construction monitoring. Principally, our team will take care of ecology matters pre-planning and will produce licences and documents to discharge planning conditions, in line with best practice guidance. Increasingly, Planning Authorities are requesting measurable Biodiversity Net-Gain (BNG) and our experienced team can provide BNG assessments to ensure that your project is in line with local and national policy. When you are ready to start on site, we can set up translocations and carry out watching briefs. All of our staff are experienced in Ecological Clerk of Works (ECoW) and have CSCS cards. We can provide all the ecological services your development needs. Contact us to discuss your requirements.

Community Groups

Have you got a neglected corner that you would like to enhance for wildlife? Or a grand plan to re-wild a disused playing field? Perhaps you are a Community Land Trust and wish to provide housing? Are you a Church, Parish Council or other Charitable organisation that needs to carry out works to your buildings or green spaces? As well as advising clients through the planning process, we provide friendly, practical advice on habitat creation, wildlife surveys and management. As every need is different, give us a call or drop us an email and we will be happy to talk through options.

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Contact Lakeway Ecological Consultancy today