Based in the heart of West Devon, Lakeway Ecological Consultancy specialises in wildlife reports for planning. We work across all sectors with householders, architects, developers, landowners, and more. As suitably qualified and experienced ecologists, we provide you with reliable, professional, cost-effective solutions.

Architects & Planning Consultants

Do you need to address ecology for your client? We are here to help.


Are you planning an extension or barn conversion? Our friendly team can provide the required wildlife report.

Developers & Builders

New Site? Confusing ecology constraints? We can help with scheme design and planning conditions.

Community Groups

Do you want to make space for nature? We can help you to get the most out of your ideas.

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To see your project through from beginning to end, our highly skilled and qualified ecologists are here to help each step of the way. Lakeway Ecological Consultancy can carry out all the ecology surveys and produce the wildlife reports needed for your planning application. We are able to work with you on any project, providing peace of mind that all your ecological needs are met. Our principal ecologist has a specialist interest in mitigation schemes for clients on heritage buildings and unusual and complex sites.

As a small consultancy, we are big enough to resource your project and issue reports quickly, but pride ourselves on providing a friendly and personal service. Above all, we will always take the time to talk through each step in the process with you.

Preliminary Ecological Appraisal

A Preliminary Ecological Appraisal, or PEA, is an initial assessment of a site for its potential to support protected species. PEAs are required to inform what further protected species surveys may be required as part of the planning process. Lakeway Ecological Consultancy can summarise this information in an Ecological Constraints and Opportunities Plan (ECOP), to help guide your design and planning timetable.

Bat Surveys

A bat survey or Preliminary Roost Assessment (PRA) involves a licenced bat ecologist carrying out an inspection of a building for its potential to support roosting bats. If a roost is found or suspected, then evening emergence surveys may be needed. These can normally only be carried out between May and September so please get in touch early in your project to discuss your time frame.

Mitigation Licences

Licences can be issued to permit otherwise prohibited actions under current legislation. Our highly experienced team can apply for these licences on your behalf. We can use special licences such as the Bat Low Impact Class Licence which saves time and money on certain sites where bat roosts are found.

Protected Species Surveys

Lakeway Ecological Consultancy specialise in carrying out surveys for all legally protected and notable species and sites including:
Amphibians, Badgers, Barn owls, Bats, Habitats, Dormice, Great crested newt, Breeding birds, Invertebrates, Otters, Reptiles and Water voles.
The results of these surveys are presented in a concise wildlife report to accompany your planning application.

Ecological Impact Assessment (EcIA)

For large and/ or complex sites where there may be impacts to protected species or sites, our suitably experienced ecologists will bring all the information together and present a clear, concise Ecological Impact Assessment to support your planning application. We can also carry out a Biodiversity Net Gain (BNG) assessment

Mitigation & Management Plans

Once Planning permission has been granted, you may be asked for a Construction Environmental Management Plan (CEMP) or a Landscape and Ecological Management Plan (LEMP). Lakeway Ecological Consultancy produces these documents with input from a the design and construction teams.

Get in Touch

Contact Lakeway Ecological Consultancy today